Hello 2022 and Happy New Year
Where on earth did 2021 go, one day it’s January, and the next you know we’re back round at December. Time really does fly when you’re having fun it’d seem! Can we get all of that again in 2022 please, but with the addition of even more achievements?
What Happened In 2021?
Nothing sticks out like a sore thumb, so just a few things from the past year! ;)
January: The new computer I’d been waiting on finally arrived. I still laugh at the story that goes along with the purchase, but I never did get round to blogging about it here.
February: I bought myself a bike, I should really try to use it a little more in 2022!
March: Had my arm twisted into writing for WPCandy.com — So far it’s been a rather interesting experience to say the least. While I’ve not written hundreds of articles, I’m not that far away from my 50th, so maybe some party celebrations might be in order?
April: I got a reply back with regards to a recent application for a Happiness Engineer at Automattic, which I was pretty excited about. In terms of progress, I thought things were going alright, even if I’d have liked some better communication at times. I felt there was a point when I was just left hanging, knowing nothing, but more on that further down!
May: It was my birthday, another year older, but still young at heart! :)
August: I reached the Championship Final at Haddington Bowling Club for the first time, and ended up getting beat by a guy a year younger than me; who said this was an old mans sport? While it was a shame to lose, the better man won on the night!
October: It was about time I faced my fears attended some kind of WordPress meetup, so what better than WordUp Edinburgh? As explained in my thoughts after the event, I loved it, and would do it all over again! (Also happened to help sponsor the event too!)
December: Ended up working Hogmanay again, like last year.
Sounds like an interesting year when you look at it that way! :)
If we go back to the Happiness Engineer application, I did get a reply in June saying my email(s) had been caught up in email filters, therefore obviously ended up in the wrong place. In August, I (maybe stupidly) reached out to Toni Schneider, Automattic CEO, to check if the Automattician was alright or not and say we’d lost contact somewhere.
When we eventually spoke again, it turned out I’d potentially be a good fit for a trial, but I would need to shape up on my written English first! :( ME NO HAZ GD ENGLSH SKLS
What’s 2012 Going To Bring?
I predict some exciting things, if only I knew the answer(s) in advance though! ;)
Other than that, I’d like to take the opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year, and all the best for what 2012 brings. I’m definitely planning to blog a lot more around here, throw in a picture or two, even tempted with Project 365 366, but I’m just not sure?
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